3rd Prevent4Work Newsletter

Welcome to the third newsletter of Prevent4Work!
Browse our website and explore our social channels to discover our latest news and developments.
Download the P4Work APP and follow our e-courses in the virtual platform. Tailor-made training paths to prevent and treat work-related musculoskeletal pain are waiting for you!

We are halfway through the third year of the project and we are very happy that we were able to achieve the proposed goals despite the global pandemic. Both WPs and planned outcomes have been successfully finalized. The second symposium of the project was held online due to the global health crisis as well as the webinars organized by the partners.
Now everything is ready for the pilot of our MOOC and online courses aimed at preventing and treating work-related musculoskeletal pain. For free access to learning, teaching and training resources, you just have to download the P4Work APP, register your account and access the virtual platform.
Once inside, you will find a series of professional courses, videos and training programs developed for a multi-professional audience from higher education institutions, businesses and the broader socio-economic environment, including trainers, physical therapists, physicians, students, graduates, teachers and lecturers.
MOOCs and e-courses

Last May, the on-line courses aimed at workers in all sectors of activity, health professionals and students in the area of Health Sciences were launched.
The available courses are “Introduction to low back pain” and “Best practices for the treatment of low back pain”, which are tailored to different profiles (workers, healthcare professionals and students in the field of health sciences) and are available in English, Spanish, Italian and Danish. They last approximately 1-3 hours and can be taken now by downloading the P4Work App.
The MOOC Course entitled “Pain at Work: Myths and Facts” has 4 modules and addresses general aspects of musculoskeletal pain, as well as more specific ones such as low back pain, neck pain and pain at work. The course is designed for all profiles and is available in both English and Spanish.
Our virtual e-Learning platform is ready with an outstanding training course!
The Platform and the P4Work APP are directly connected: if you register in the APP you will get immediate access to the e-Learning Platform with the same credentials.
We have been working to constantly enhance users’ experience: the language chosen during the APP registration will be the one you will find in the online courses.
To teach you how to register and use the P4Work APP and E-Learning Platform and to clarify any doubts you may have, we have prepared some video tutorials available in our website.
We also put at your disposal a support service in case you need assistance or experience any problem.
We hope you enjoy the courses and find the content interesting and useful!!!
The P4Work App is now available for Android and iOS.
By downloading the APP you will be able to access the training platform and all the resources generated from anywhere, simply by using a mobile device.Once the app has been installed, it´s necessary for users to register. You can watch our video tutorial and follow the instruction to easily access the APP.
Another update has brought the latest version of the Needs Survey and the P4Work questionnaire, both developed by the project research team. These questionnaires are being filled in by the employees of the companies collaborating with the project and by different health professionals and students and through which we are already obtaining data on training needs and interests, risk factors that influence the development of musculoskeletal problems derived from the work environment.
In addition, the App hosts and gives quick access to all the educational videos developed by the project.
What are you waiting for? Download the APP and get started now!!!
2nd Prevent4Work Symposium and online webinars
The 2nd Prevent4Work Symposium was held online from Aalborg, Denmark. In the event international experts from all around the world presented and discussed the latest developments within musculoskeletal disorders and the perspectives for dealing with such disorders in relation to work and recreation. The symposium was streamed live from both P4work YouTube channel and Facebook page where thousands of took part in the discussion with questions. During the event the educational video produced in collaboration with VITECO and the winner of 1st symposium’s contest of ideas have been presented. Lastly, the event held an online poster session with 3 rooms. The best presentation was announced, and the winner will participate in the 3rd P4Work symposium on the 22nd October 2021.
The webinar ‘Working with pain” presented by Dr. Morten Høgh had a great engagement from all registered participants, and many more that participated via live streaming. All had the opportunity to discuss how to work with pain and how to make real change through collaboration among workers, employers, health care professionals and other stakeholders.
The webinar “Work related Musculoskeletal Disorders – Risk factors and new fronters” organized in May 2021 in collaboration with the Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute of Milan, and presented by Dr. Berjano and Dr.Langella, aimed at health professional and workers addressed an emerging topic such as the close interaction between musculoskeletal disorders and risk factor related to workplace.
The webinar “Spinal pain in the workplace – what causes it and what can I do about it?” was held as part of the renowned International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) meeting held online in June 2021. More than 400 participants could discuss work-related spinal pain and ways to best manage it as based on contemporary evidence and interact with experts in the field.

The Third P4Work Symposium – Work & Pain will take place on 22 October 2021.
The Symposium will be broadcast fully online from the San Jorge University (Zaragoza, Spain). At the Symposium, national and international experts will present the latest developments in musculoskeletal disorders and perspectives for addressing these disorders in relation to work and leisure.
Confirmed speakers to date include: Víctor Doménech, Grace S. Szeto, Michiel Reneman, Jone Ansuategui, Rafael Torres, Moisés Jiménez, Pablo Bellosta, Pedro Berjano, Francesco Langella, Thorvaldur S.Palsson.
The Symposium will be live in English and Spanish, with simultaneous

The Prevent4Work website, available in 4 languages (EN, ES, IT, DK) is increasingly enriched with news, activities, online resources, events and updates on the project. In particular:
(a) the Results section has been updated with playlists of the project’s educational and informative videos, with the conferences and online webinars conducted to date, and with the tangible results developed to date, such as scientific publications, risk assessment questionnaires, and training materials;
b) the Events section contains information about P4W Symposia such as programs, biography of expert speakers, a list of FAQs, etc;
c) the Observatory section has been created to give visibility to the organizations that are participating in the project, as well as to give the possibility to other companies/entities to join us. In this section, organizations can send us a contact form to participate;
d) the MOOCs section is pretty new and contains the MOOC entitled “Pain at work: Myths and realities”, which addresses general aspects and concepts of pain, as well as more specific ones, such as low back pain, neck pain and pain at work;
e) the E-learning section has been opened to the public for free. Inside you will find the e-learning modules already available, accessible both through the platform and the P4Work APP.
Finally, do not forget to visit our BLOG and to follow our SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES to discover all the resources created during the project: 31 educational videos, subtitled in English, Spanish, Italian and Danish, are all freely available on YouTube and Facebook.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication (website) reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Agreement n. 2018-2381 / 001 – 001 600920-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-KAPKA2-KA
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